CIVALLI on BBC Radio 3 Wales

CIVALLI and Welsh assembly member, MP Hywel Williams were interviewed by BBC Radio 3 Wales. The topic for discussion yesterday, September 30th, was Cavity Wall insulation and how the negative repercussions of a poor installation or an installation on a home that was unsuitable for filling can impact homes and families. MP Hywel Williams spoke about the potential for wider impact across thousands of homes and families, both the BRE report and the Cavity Insulation Guarantee 'scheme', were also mentioned in the interview by Williams.

The length of the radio program is 2:33:10, you will hear Pauline at 10:20-15:25 and Hywel MP at 1:12:50 and 2:02:30.

Listen to the interview now

Pauline Saunders, CIVALLI talked about her own failed installation. There was some reference made by Pauline regarding the many hundreds of cases that approach CIVALLI, some of these cases are considered 'horrific' with the wider impact noted to effect:

  • Health: Respiratory problems and allergies are amongst the highest issues experienced
  • Mental Health: The mental well being of people experiencing this problem is said to be at risk with two cases evidencing the homeowner to be feeling suicidal
  • Relationships
  • Marriages
  • Elderly: Older people are considered to be amongst the most vulnerable targeted by the installers of the insulation industry, another vulnerable group are those experiencing mental health difficulties
  • Children and babies: Young people are developing respiratory problems very early on due to mould spores that sit upon affected surfaces of the walls. The mould spreads aggressively and further impacts health leading to a broader set of allergies.
  • Financial stability: Some more progressed cases are needing to vacate their homes to facilitate the extracting of insulating materials, structural works and remedial decorative repair. This is noted by CIVALLI to impact families financial stability not least because they are losing work. Awards received to cover the costs of 'returning the home back to its original state' will not always, if at all, cover wider expenses and losses such as loss of earnings.

Maria who was also interviewed regarding her own experience of failed cavity wall insulation explained a little about how the insulation issues in her home affected her and her family. She explained that the walls of her home were blackened with mould. Maria spoke about her ten year old son having developed Asthma and how this is worsening as time progresses with the situation unresolved. She explained that he has developed allergies that are too progressively getting worse and need to be medicated.

Listen to the BBC3 Radio Wales interview here